
I entered PhD program of Computer Science at University of Manitoba in Jan. 2017. Since then I’ve been doing my research on Computer Vision and Deep Learning under supervision of Dr. Yang Wang. Before Joing CS@UofM, I had the chance to be supervised by Dr. Mahdi Eftekhari in my Master’s program at Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran. During my Master’s, I focused on classification of imabalanced datasets using fuzzy- and ensemble-based techniques. I finished my Bachelor’s program at University of Birjand, Iran.

My primary research lies on the intersection of Image/Video understanding and NLP using Deep Learning.


  • NOV. 2018 /// Submitted 2 papers to CVPR2019 [finger crossed!]
  • NOV. 2018 /// I will attend NeurIPS2018 this Dec. as a Volunteer in Montreal.
  • OCT. 2018 /// Our paper, “Crowd Counting Using Scale-Aware Networks” got accepted at WACV2019 - [pdf] [code]
  • SEPT. 2018 /// I will be seving as the Graduate Students’ Representative in Award Committee of CS@UofM

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